
Par Productions Katharsis
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  • Welcome!

Productions Katharsis

Here you will find all information about our board games and services.  Katharsis is a Quebec enterprise exploring the imaginary lands of board gaming.  Our enterprise was founded in 2013, by game lovers whishing to create original products with strong themes.  Our products are aimed at young geeks from 7 to 77 years old.

We can also assist you with the creation of your own game projects.  Wether you need help with writing or clarifying game rules, printing a prototype or creating a micro-edition, we can help you! Visit our  creators page for more information about our services.

Do not hesitate to contact us!

Have a nice visit!

Road to New Eden
New Eden45$
Dernier Épisode
Dernier Episode
Ext NE: Monde Sauvage
Monde Sauvage
Mojo Samurai
DE Ext: Les Génies
du Mal
Les Genies du Mal

WARNING: Except for Road to New Eden (an older version), all our games including extensions are currently only available in french.
The "Terre Sauvage" Exension is not compatible with the english version of New Eden.
Shipping fees are included within Canada, allow 2-4 days for delivery.